Maximize Your Small Hotel’s, b&b, or Guest House Revenue with These Simple Tweaks

I know you’re busy. You’ve got properties to manage, guests to please, and probably a long to-do list. But what if I told you that with just a few smart adjustments, you could double or even triple your revenue without breaking the bank?

Here’s what you need to do:

1️⃣ Make Revenue Management Your New Best Friend

Don’t just rely on automated pricing tools and leave them on autopilot. They’re useful, but they’re not everything.

Manually adjust your pricing every single day. Yes, even multiple times a day for your high-value rooms. Stay agile, especially when it comes to pricing for peak times or special events.

Start by tweaking your cancellation policies and minimum night stays first, and then adjust your Average Daily Rate (ADR). You’ll be amazed at how much more control you’ll have over your bookings.

2️⃣ Flexibility is Key to Minimum Stays

Adopt the 3-2-1 strategy when it comes to minimum stays. Here’s how it works: Start with a 3-night minimum, then drop it to 2 nights, and finally 1 night as you approach your booking windows.

One-night minimums might sound risky, but they can significantly boost your rankings on booking platforms. And here’s the kicker: when you drop your minimum stay, raise your prices by 15-25%. This way, you maintain profitability while filling your rooms faster.

3️⃣ Loosen Up Your Cancellation Policy

A strict cancellation policy might seem like a safe bet, but being too rigid can actually hurt your bookings.

Try softening your policy as you get closer to the booking dates. Start with a strict policy early on, then move to a moderate one, and eventually to a flexible policy for last-minute bookings. This will attract more guests without you having to lower prices, keeping your rooms booked while protecting your revenue.

4️⃣ Invest in Stunning Photos

This can’t be stressed enough. High-quality, professionally staged photos can make or break your listings. Stage everything meticulously—from dining tables to outdoor areas to beds. Crappy staging leads to crappy photos, which leads to less appealing listings. Professional photos can truly set you apart from your competition.

With the exception of photos, these strategies cost you nothing but time and effort. And the return on investment is remarkable.

Give these a try and see the impact on your bookings and revenue.

Still need help or want some personalized guidance? Feel free to reach out!