Ahoi & Welcome! 

I am Radka Telyckova

Elevate Your Hotel Success by Growing Your Revenue & Profitability with me.



Direct Sales +51,5%
Room Revenue increase +88%

Even in the pandemic year, number of reservations requests increased by 100% within first 4 months. We boosted the sales, number of direct bookings increased more than 50%. Our average booking price via booking engine has grown up by 20%. We applied dynamic pricing, revenue management tactics, changed the booking engine, added CRM and we started to work as team. 

Our hotel boost the direct sales and increased room revenue by 88% by applying Radka's strategies and 3 core elements direct booking strategy.

Adriana Hurova, Director of Hotel Bankov, Slovakia


As a born hotelier and dedicated revenue strategist, my focus is on maximizing demand, boosting direct bookings, and enhancing guest satisfaction. I am passionate about sharing my proven expertise in dynamic pricing and revenue management with hoteliers worldwide through conferences, programmes, and toolkits. My goal is to empower you to claim your rightful share of revenue and manage your property with optimized occupancy and satisfied guests.

With a focus on three core elements - technology, skills, and mindset - I have helped small and big hotels alike achieve success by changing the way they approach revenue and pricing strategies and their relationships with guests and team members. My proven methods lead to well-managed, beloved hotels even you do not have a big-brand-name on the gate. Yeah! 

I empower hotel owners and hoteliers to maximise property revenue results & increase asset value and I see myself as COMMERCIAL & PROFITABILITY Growth Mentor. 

What are my Training and "INEVITABLE HOTEL SUCCESS" Programme Clients saying about working with me

We saw the positive influence of your Revenue and Dynamic Pricing training and advice within two months and we have continued to grow. We loved your training style and how you helped us think about what our hotel have to offer, who are our guests, what are the hotel's advantages and disadvantages, what we can do to improve and what are the steps to recognize the demand, attract the bookers and get better results. One of the hotel's biggest problems was receiving last minute reservations. You really showed us how to change our thinking and well as our mindeset so we can influence the guest to book earlier. Your approach helped us to achieve higher revenue in a very short time. Thank you.

Zejlka Veronika Horvat - Hotel Trakoscan, Croatia

(member of PRIMESTAR HOTELS managing the hotels in Central and Eastern Europe, training was done for all chain properties) 

Cooperation with Radka is ALWAYS on a very professional but personal basis. She can always surprise me with her different perspective on things, with a great overview, a combination of understanding the needs of the hotel and, at the same time, directed towards the guest. She always suggests win&win solutions and the achieved numbers speak for themselves. I have already completed the Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management Masterclass training and I am looking forward to this part in the "INEVITABLE HOTEL SUCCESS" programme as well. What I appreciate most is that even after 18 years of owning and managing a hotel, she always has something to teach me and motivate me for further work. Radka is the most respected hotel revenue consultant in Czech Republic & Slovakia. Kudos to you and thanks million for sharing your expertise with us.

Zuzana Bielikova, owner of Hotel Golfer, Kremnica, Slovakia 


ANOTHER SUCCESSFULL CASE STUDY achieved by one members of the "Successfull Hotel" Programme running since Nov 2022 in Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Year-To-Date results (as of 30.9.2023) for 2023 we have (so far) increased occupancy by 13% and average daily rate (ADR) by 18,82%. Our hotel revenue increased by around 100.000 EUR, our costs increased by +- 40.000 €. Netto income increased by 60.000 € by 19-rooms b&b hotel since we started to work with Radka. 

Our predicted 2023 profitability is calculated with 14% increase! 

Investment into this programme had a huge ROI! And our goal for 2024 is even higher! 

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  • Free Hospitality community
  • Free TRAINING: Dynamic Pricing & Room Type Supplement with forecast template
  • Free MASTERCLASS: Elevate Your Hotel Success
  • Unlock premium courses and prizes as you contribute to the community and earn points to level up!



EXPECTED RESULTS: Learn the team actively using dynamic pricing and revenue driven sales approach. Guide them what to do on daily-weekly-monthly-yearly basis and implement dynamic pricing in all spa hotels in Czech Republic in order to increase room revenue. 

Radka and her team are golden!  I can confirm this based on several years of personal experience, which took on an even more intense in pandemic years 2019-2021. Radka supported us in our Spa Cluster in Czech Republic with revenue management implementation and sales / reservations / reception 3 intensive months training and mentoring programme that literally lives since then. Radka's approach is very customer and client oriented with problem-solving focus. She uses the assess we already have in the cluster and adjust with what is missing. Helped us to setup our PMS and consulted us in optimizing booking engine and channel manager on cluster level. Expected results after training are sort of guaranteed, under the conditions of active cooperation. Radka was tremendously active during and after pandemic through active communication with journalists and various professional organizations. I greatly appreciate her empowerment to our team that delivered significant shift in mindset and revenue increase. Happy to recommend and look forward to further cooperation.

Karel Kalivoda, General Manager of Ensana Spa Hotels Czech Republic 


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Work with Radka

Claim what is rightfully yours and make the best out of your hotel. Maximise your property revenue results & increase asset value.

Pomáháme hoteliérům

Hotelové poradenství, unikátní 6měsíční program ÚSPĚŠNÝ HOTEL a nejčtenější blog pro hoteliéry. Ebooky ke stažení zdarma. Již od roku 2010.

Strategie přímých rezervací

Radka je průkopnicí strategie přímých rezervací. Její implementační metody přináší hoteliérů milionové obraty navíc.

GDPR pro hotely

Jak získat marketingový souhlas? Co je to oprávněný zájem a kdy můžeme klienta kontaktovat, aniž bychom porušovali ochranu osobních údajů?

Spravuj recenze s lehkostí

Správa recenzí pro všechny hoteliéry a majitelé penzionů / airbnb a jiných ubytovacích zařízení. Podpora v češtině. Otestuj na 30 dní zdarma.

For The Love of Hospitality. Stay committed to make a change in this world! 

We consider Radka to be an expert in the hotel industry. She monitors trends and technological developments, and always gives professional advice. She has already steered us in the right direction. Her non-traditional training style is very inspiring. The lessons are fun and lively and none of the students were at all bored!
Viliam Sivek, Jr. Hotel Owner of SIVEK HOTELS Czech Republic
The training with Radka is based on practical experience. She is an action woman which resulted in a very quick and smart implementation of her suggestions in our property. We could immediately experience the results: either in occupancy or revenue increase. We appreciate her professional, human and individual approach to a multitude of issues. We book various trainings including some-tailor once. Radka, the trainings under your guidance are a significant asset to our resort wellness hotel.
Katarina MalovaHotel Owner of Hotel & Spa Resort Kaskady, Slovakia


Get in touch with me! WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU. 

Our operating hours are Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm CET time. Please allow up to 24 hours for replies during weekdays. We typically take time off during the weekends and bank holidays (in Germany and Czech Republic). Please bear with us if you send us an email during these periods, we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Your Information is 100% Secure And Will Never Be Shared With Anyone.