As a hotelier, you must have realized that costs are lagging behind inflation. Prices of goods and services are increasing, which affects your profit margin. If that is the case, how do you adjust your prices? Let’s explore it further.
Why Inflation is a Concern
On the macro level, inflation presents a significant challenge for hoteliers. Services such as wages, materials, and essential services are considerably higher. To hoteliers, these increases lead to higher costs, which in turn reduce profits. While the hospitality industry is steadily recovering, hoteliers still need to generate profits for every guest they accommodate while conducting business at a reasonable cost.
Should You Raise Your Prices?
Hoteliers often fear that increasing prices will drive guests away. However, not adjusting for inflation can cause long-term losses. While there’s no single answer, a few essential factors need consideration.
Factors to Consider
Adjusting Your Prices
There are two main ways to adjust your prices in response to inflation: increasing or decreasing them. Each has its advantages and shortcomings.
Other Ways to Protect Your Margins
Tracking and Reviewing Pricing Changes
It’s crucial to track your progress and adjust your plans as needed. This helps identify potential problems early and protects your bottom line.
ADAPT Method for Future Margins
To stay profitable, use the ADAPT method:
These steps will help your hotel stay relevant under the dynamic shifts in the hospitality industry. While price increases can sometimes pose a challenge, with the correct approach, you can reach the break-even point. Pricing is best determined by considering guest preferences, the economy, and your costs. Invest in technology, foster loyalty programs, and explore new income sources to shield your margins. This way, you’ll be able to track your success and make necessary modifications to ensure that your hotel stays relevant and profitable.