Want Your Guests to Return? Here’s the Missing Piece! 📧✨

Imagine this: A guest stays at your hotel, books through Booking, Expedia, or Airbnb, and you want to launch a new strategy called the “2nd & 3rd Direct Booking Stay Strategy.” 

It’s clear that, to successfully proceed, you want to send them a special offer six months later to encourage them to come back. This offer will be unique and provide your guest with another reason to enjoy an amazing stay at your hotel.¨Here’s the catch: 🚫 You can’t just send them a message unless you have their marketing consent. 😲 Without it, even if you have their email, you can’t legally reach out! And this is a problem for any independent property or small local chain.

How can you get all legal requirements under control without a massive legal financial investment, while also moving quickly to start collecting consent? Every day counts.

This is the story of my newest client. I was hired to help with their direct booking strategy.
This property is a seasonal leisure hotel with 124 rooms. They have many OTA bookings, with many clients being return guests. There’s massive potential to get them back directly.

My proposed strategy will work only if they start collecting marketing consent as soon as possible. We cannot wait for another season—the distribution costs are very high. Before we could craft a customized direct booking strategy for this hotel, we needed to go through GDPR training and ensure the back-office operations were aligned with European law as soon as possible.

In my brand new online course  “GDPR MADE EASY“, which was initially created just for them, I guide you through the legal aspects and help you set up all requirements to start collecting marketing consent. This will enable you to perform your “2nd and 3rd Stay Direct Booking Strategy” effectively.

In general, this is what we need to do: 

 Get Permission Upfront: Ask guests for marketing consent during their stay. Make it easy for them to sign up for updates and offers.
✅ Subscribe to a Consent Management System: Set up a system to track and manage consent preferences, ensuring compliance with GDPR requirements. 
✅ Segment Your Audience: Organize collected data into segments based on guest preferences and booking history to tailor your marketing efforts.
✅ Craft Engaging Content: Develop personalized, compelling offers and updates to encourage repeat bookings and maintain guest interest.
✅ Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review and update your marketing strategies and consent processes to ensure ongoing compliance and effectiveness.