Channel Manager: How to Sell Smart and Have Everything Under One Roof

The travel industry in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is flourishing. You have a beautiful hotel or guesthouse, but it seems like guests are slipping away to the competition. How can you attract more guests to your door and ensure they not only return but also spread the good word about your establishment? It all starts where the guest’s journey begins: the reservation process. Here’s how to effectively use the magical tool known as a channel manager.

What is a Channel Manager?

A channel manager is an indispensable tool for hotels of all sizes. It has transitioned from a “nice to have” to a “must-have” tool, becoming accessible not only to large hotel chains but also to small boutique hotels. If you haven’t yet implemented a channel manager in your hotel or guesthouse, here’s a quick rundown of what it is and why you need it.

A channel manager connects your sales activities with the most popular booking portals, allowing you to offer your available rooms across a wide range of online channels. This tool is essential because managing multiple booking platforms manually is time-consuming and prone to errors such as overbooking.

How Does a Channel Manager Benefit Your Hotel?

Increased Bookings and Visibility: By listing your rooms on numerous online sales channels, you increase your chances of booking out your rooms and enhancing your hotel’s visibility.

Unified Management: A channel manager integrates with your hotel’s property management system (PMS), allowing you to manage room rates, availability, and reservations seamlessly across all platforms.

Time Efficiency: A channel manager automates updates, saving you hours that would otherwise be spent manually updating each sales channel.

Analytical Insights: Modern channel managers come with analytical tools that help you track your performance, understand your competition, and make data-driven decisions.

Key Features of a Channel Manager

  1. Speed: No more spending hours updating profiles on individual sales channels. A channel manager sends every minor change recorded in the central reservation system (CRS) to each channel with just a few clicks.
  2. Access to OTAs and GDS: Through the CRS, a channel manager provides access to hundreds of OTAs (Online Travel Agencies) like, Expedia, and specialized ones that cater to specific customer segments, increasing your chances of getting booked.
  3. Rate and Availability Management: Maintain the same room rates and availability across all chosen sales channels, ensuring rate parity and simplifying your pricing strategy.
  4. PMS Integration: If your channel manager integrates with your PMS, it can distribute rates, availability, and restrictions while keeping all reservations centralized. This integration, combined with an online booking system on your website, is a game-changer.
  5. Analytics and Competitive Edge: Channel managers collect data and offer insights that help you stay competitive. You can monitor your profits, see how they change over time, and keep an eye on your competitors’ pricing.

Channel Manager for Apartment Rentals

Channel managers are not just for traditional hotels and guesthouses. They are also ideal for managing apartment rentals spread across different locations. Multi-property editions of channel managers allow you to manage prices, availability, and bookings for all your properties from one central profile without constantly switching between different locations.

Main Benefits of a Multi-Property Channel Manager:

  • Centralized Management: Ideal for establishments with multiple locations, allowing you to manage everything from one profile.
  • Unified Guest Profiles: Manage all contacts under one profile, facilitating cross-selling opportunities if the channel manager is integrated with your online booking system.
  • Cost Efficiency: More cost-effective than having separate profiles for each property.
  • PMS Integration: Connects seamlessly with a single PMS for all properties, simplifying management even further.

A channel manager is undeniably beneficial for any accommodation, regardless of size. It has become an essential tool, transforming the tedious task of updating multiple booking channels into a simple, automated process. This efficiency allows you to focus more on your guests, ensuring they feel at home and want to return. Happy guests who feel well-cared-for are more likely to spread positive reviews, leading to even more bookings. Embrace the power of a channel manager and watch your guest numbers soar.